Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Welcome to our World!

An awesome day!!! My kids are such a blessing! We tried literature circles today! Everyone had a job and then like job people got together to work on accomplishing tasks. We had  question creator, illustrator, word wizard, and connection maker in each group. We are using it with the book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I will post pics of work tomorrow, but I was just so excited to see them so excited and hear the conversations going on around our room! Tonight was busy... Had praise team practice and then came home to four dead ducks. :( Mark and I researched and think it sounds like botulism. I have two more sick that we are trying to rehabilitate... A reminder to me that students and teachers are whole people even though we only work together in an educational capacity. You never know what is going on outside the walls of your classroom, but I pray some of the lessons learned in my classroom can be extended and applied to make every part of a child's life better!

1 comment:

  1. Share more about how you are working your lit chapters?! I need to hear this! It may come in handy!
