Tuesday, August 12, 2014


     Today's adventure was a test of patience, and not with the kids!

     Technology aaaaaaccckkk!!!!

     I taught the students the sol on Virginia and the surrounding states. I had created, scheduled, and made accessible an Interactive Achievement quiz to assess it. In a perfect world, the kids would log on the app and take the quiz. Period. But in both groups the passwords were not working for half the students. A quiz that should've taken 15 minutes ended up taking 45! I have tried to have plan B,C, and D in place and went through those today. It is frustrating, but it tried to stay calm and troubleshoot (probably drove Amy Hash and Jude Raffeiner crazy). We made it, but it was less than optimal.

     My blog dream - a great pic of students using technology will just have to be a goal for tomorrow. I hate planning and having to abandon or adjust what I had planned, but it is a necessity - in my classroom at least! And tomorrow is another day!


  1. (I had this long reply to your post typed up on my phone this morning, but when I had to log in to post it, I lost everything. Grrr!) I completely understand your pain. Our copiers were out yesterday - all three. Then Google wouldn't share documents. It hadn't for two days. Needless to say, I changed my lesson plans. We had a great class anyway. Haha!

  2. I kept thinking of the county wide day and they Chik Fil A guy.... Calm promotes calm... I had to keep telling myself that! It's awesome you kept going and had a successful class! We tell our kids they need to be critical thinkers and then get opportunities to model when the technology devil strikes! I'd love to be in your class! ;)
