Arrive and startup computers...put up morning work (created the previous day)
Discuss troubleshooting of technological problem with co worker
Walk to office and check mailbox
Students arrive... Get a note from parent that needs to be dealt with
Receive a screen cover that will reduce the refresh rate for a photo sensitive student
Struggle with the screen and take 15 minutes wrestling it back into box, while carrying conversations with students
Listen to who will be out, who was out, and who is out today-adjust and create make-up work
Take up field trip money
Receipt field trip money
Take up snack orders, fill out order, receipt money
Take up notes from parents
Remind students to turn in library books
Send library books
Take attendance, enter it into the computerized program
Write homework in planner for 5 students to help them with organization
Remind students to put up lunch choice
Tally lunch choice
Put lunch order form in hall
Reply to request from coworker concerning an ADHD checklist
All this is interspersed with student questions and redirection...
And now it is 8:30 and instruction can begin
Correct and check Daily Language Review... Discuss mistakes and why they need to be corrected
Explain small group assignments for differentiated instruction
Check for understanding then dismiss groups to begin work
Send one group out for computerized reading program, remind myself to print reports and review so I can adjust in the classroom
Send another group to work on same program with different teacher
Monitor other two groups in my room as they read, redirect, ask questions, show app that relates
Remember to separate a student ... Monitor all groups
Upon complete ion, send students back to seats to work on individual skills on iPads (I assigned these during my weekend)
Fix iPads with no ConnectEd link on home screen
Monitor student usage
While monitoring, rehang anchor charts (for third time) in effort to make reading more visual because that was a personal goal this year
Check through make-up work assignments, remind a student to stay during speciality to complete test from last Friday
Students return from other classrooms, line everyone up, walk to library
Remind about hallway expectations
Hold the hand of a student (his choice) :)
Leave students, check in office
Get to classroom for my planning 9:15
Check emails
Reply to emails
Compose email about student absence
Remember to remind about fundraiser for school
Remember to remind about cancer fundraiser
Remember to remind about dance fundraiser (remember to get 80's dance stuff for my kid)
Make copies of answer key from yesterday's foldables... I made 6 for kids that were out
Search ideas on Pinterest for Greek and Latin roots anchor charts
Realize Pinterest images are no longer loading
Try on iPad
Reboot computer
Try Pinterest again
Email tech friend about Pinterest
Need to send in service request... Tomorrow
Get on phone, turn off wifi, research and find applicable charts
Think about how much faster a kid would've figured out the system
Make anchor chart
Prepare phonics lesson
Load web based practice activity
Forget to go to bathroom, will have to wait until 12:30...
Remember to print reading goal progress...tomorrow
9:55 planning over...
Go get kids from library
Walk to classroom, remind they can use restroom, get water, and get morning snack
Teach phonics lesson, get feedback and input from kids
Google image for megaphone to be sure there is a frame of reference
Work with students in guided practice of applying root words to extract meaning
Transition to City of Ember small group read
Pass out guide for reading
Monitor and answer questions as students work on Chapter 4
Take pictures of students working, remember to upload files to school share drive for yearbook...tomorrow
10:45ish Social Studies
Sing review songs about the Civil War
Review prior lessons from Virginia Studies 7
Stop and put on jackets
Fire Drill...remember to take bag
Back in, refocus on Social Studies
Complete review on Civil War, Virginians roles, major battles, important leaders...and try to help student make connections for easier recall
Have students record answers (provided support from previously created files)
Repeat, assist, answer questions I am able to, encourage students to write questions for research in their new inquiry notebooks
Put away Social Studies binders
Stamp planners
Line up for switch, walk around room to straighten
Walk students to math/science, monitor hallway behavior
Receive second class-note absences to create make up work - it takes me between 15-30 minutes to create makeup work. I often have to send it with another student so I have to go find and hand off to them...other times parents will ask for assignments to be left in office. Sometimes they pick it up, sometimes not... And I always jump for joy when a student or parent asks if their child missed anything when they were out...
Begin while group instruction again...
City of Ember
Fix iPads
Search for info on new student
Find book for new student
Fix pencil sharpener
Lunchtime... Line up students according to what they ordered...
Head to lunch
Get kids situated in line
Tell coworker I am going to heat my lunch
Microwave soup and use the restroom for first time of the day...
2:00 later take lunch to cafeteria to eat and monitor student behavior
Discover school cafeteria mascot, mentioned in email earlier
Discuss practicality of a mascot for the cafeteria and the effect on student behavior
Remember this also coincides with full moon...
Wonder how much the mascot job pays
Wonder how much the study that suggested a mascot for cafeteria food would increase food purchases cost
Shake my head
Talk with very upset student...he told someone they gave him a sore throat, they didn't care, they got angry...
Remember two students have silent lunch from prior day
Learn of issue of student with another teacher... Teacher was accused of mistreatment of kid by a kid who heard it (because they were in another classroom)
Ponder what would happen if teachers sued for slander
Ponder what is professional about enduring witch hunts...
Try to recall more pleasant what is up with Bruce Jenner...
Allow an assortment of kids to go to restroom...remembering who's already gone and if there will be issues... Trying to remember is the student looked sick, or complained of feeling case I need to recall for the nurse or parents
Settle another issue with student unhappy about another student's treatment of him
Lunch time is over!
Remind students to clean up around areas
Line up to go to room
Remind about hallway behavior
Afternoon class - Small groups - same lessons and practice as morning group
Readjust three students...groups are supposed to be flexible
Fix iPad
Reassign student
Social Studies...songs, review, remind, connections etc...
Allow time for research of inquiry questions... Robert E. Lee - the E stands for Edward, Ulysses S. Grant - S stands for Simpson... We're still researching cause of death for Stonewall Jackson and a visual of his hand injury from the Battle of Bull Run
Stamp planners
Line up
Switch...remind about hallway behavior
Somewhere in there I....
Ask reading coach and principal about information on new student
Try to read info, but just don't have time and can't take it from office for long
Discuss behavior issue with principal
Receive feedback on situation with student
Agree to take a student with my daughter home then out to church (my husband did this)
Take kids out for recess...
Remind those behind in reading goals to take a book to library
Walk with coteacher and coworker
Avoid molezilla's holes on field
Watch students
Discuss legislative session
Wonder what education will look like in another year
Discuss families while walking... We have a wellness plan where we try to keep active
Deal with behavior issue... Three kids with same name...frustrations boil over on kickball field...assign consequences, promote apologies, promote forgiveness
Come in
Pack up
Pass out snack
Send back snack box
Told by a student she was supposed to be parent pickup
Miss call from secretary about bus note
Get reminded that I didn't send kid for bus note...
Get bag from office
Get bus notes, pass out
Straighten room
Line up kids for release
Release...monitor student behavior and time
Fix smart board files for tomorrow
Clear air with coworker
Go to wellness meeting
Commiserate about lack of snow with coworkers
Remind each other we've completed 110 days
Think about May
Think about weight :(
Think about how tired I am
Finish meeting
Gather stuff...including kids
Head home...and remember to go to the restroom once I get there
So there it all is... A normal day...
I don't write it to be a martyr or to suggest I work any harder than anyone else. I just want people to be aware of what it looks like when the rubber hits the road. Where lofty curricular ideas intersect with reality of hungry kids, struggling readers, and youthful exuberance. I feel like I am in a constant crossfire and expectations are unrealistic. I keep hearing new things that are being added to the overwhelming workload and how present performance is not good enough... This is not the message from a specific person, but the entity of the educational system of which I have chosen to be a part. Now I have to go remember what I forgot and look into studies for mascot teachers... And remind myself once again, I love my kids so I will stay the course and pray for wisdom, discernment, patience, and joy... And the ability to see what actually will matter in a year.
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